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Can the garbage truck be phased?

Date :2015-11-12 Views :649 times

Customers who buy and sell garbage trucks can purchase cars through three ways: bank, guarantee company or auto finance company (auto finance or guarantee company is a third party with sufficient compensation ability as a guarantor to repay the loan principal and interest and bear joint and several liabilities)。These three approaches have their own characteristics. Generally speaking, the bank approach has lower interest rate and handling fee, but the mortgage period is longer and the threshold is higher.The procedures of auto finance companies are more convenient and simple, and the ways and methods of mortgage are flexible and diverse, but the interest and related procedures are higher。Customers can choose the mortgage method according to their actual situation, and customers need to make some basic preparations before buying a car on mortgage。Although different banks and financial companies take different approaches to mortgage, some basic material preparation is similar。 
    If the customer uses the auto finance company to buy the suction car,The information that the owner needs to prepare includes: ID card, household registration book, real estate certificate (to be issued by the full payment of the house) or the purchase contract (to be issued by the mortgage house), recent (four months) bank passbook running account (or salary card statement), driver's license, marriage certificate (issued by the married person),Unmarried people do not need to issue), etc。

     Banks, on the other hand, have more stringent data requirements,Including: ID card, household registration, real estate certificate (full payment to buy a house need to be issued) or purchase contract (mortgage to buy a house need to be issued), recent (four months) bank passbook running account (or salary card statement), income proof, one inch photo two, the police station or property management department issued long-term residence certificate, marriage certificate。At the same time, married people need to note that through this way to buy a mortgage car, both husband and wife need to issue the above information at the same time can be handled。

      After the basic information is prepared, Suizhou JunlongRefuse truck manufacturerMortgage officers are generally responsible for assisting consumers in mortgage applications。If it is a loan through the bank, the owner's information will be given to the guarantee company for review, and the bank will also send home visitors to visit the home。If the consumer's information can pass the review, the bank will notify the manufacturer to contact the customer to pay the down payment and sign the car purchase contract;Compared with banks, the procedures of auto finance companies are more convenient。The auto finance company generally needs to submit the materials to the company for mortgage purchase, and then the financial company will send home visitors for home visit and review, and then send the car purchase contract to our Xiagong Chuseng garbage truck manufacturer by E-mail, and the sales staff will print it out and give it to the customer。
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